General requirements of community service order
1) The community service order must contain requirements that the offender—
a) must not commit another offence during the period of the order; and
b) must report to an authorised corrective services officer at the place, and within the time, stated in the order; and
c) must report to, and receive visits from, an authorised corrective services officer as directed by the officer; and
d) must perform in a satisfactory way community service directed by an authorised corrective services officer—
i) for the number of hours stated in the order; and
ii) at the times directed by the officer; and
e) must notify an authorised corrective services officer of every change of the offender’s place of residence or employment within 2 business days after the change happens; and
f) must not leave or stay out of Queensland without the permission of an authorised corrective services officer; and
g) must comply with every reasonable direction of an authorised corrective services officer.
2) The total number of hours stated in the order—
a) must not be less than 40 and not more than 240; and
b) must be performed within 1 year from the making of the order or another time allowed by the court.
Meaning of authorised corrective services officer
1) An authorised corrective services officer means a person who is—
i) a corrective services officer under the Corrective Services Act 2006; or
ii) an employee of a person or body engaged under that Act, section 272; and
b) is authorised by the chief executive (corrective services) for the relevant purpose.