The issue of bail is an important step in the Criminal Process. It is clearly advantageous to be on bail and in the community while you await your trial. Aside from the impact on family and employment prospects a refusal of bail can make trial and/or sentence preparation problematic.
Prison conferences with legal representatives are often limited in duration and proper preparation for trial is difficult. Whilst on bail professional counselling, rehabilitation and other programs can be undertaken which will assist with the sentencing process.
Generally an Application for bail, once refused, cannot be reheard unless there is a change in circumstances. It is imperative that a proper Application is structured at the first available opportunity as a refusal by a Magistrate will likely see delay and expense in having the matter listed in the Supreme Court.
A grant of bail can attach conditions that restrain your liberty. The court can dictate where you live, with whom you may associate and how frequently you need to report to the police. They can also restrain you from leaving the country, the state or even your home. For some offences, you can also be restrained from entering particular places.
Gatenby Criminal Lawyers regularly appears in relation to bail applications and appreciates the complexities of the bail application. We understand the legislation and will assist you to obtain bail.
If you or someone you know is seeking an Application for Bail you should seek professional advice from Gatenby Criminal Lawyers.