A criminal conviction can have a significant impact on a person’s ability to obtain or maintain their employment, travel overseas and engage in some recreational activities. Click on the below links for more information:
Can I ask the Court not to record a conviction against me?
The recording of a conviction carries with it serious consequences. These consequences can be long lasting and significant. A conviction can adversely impact upon a person well into the future, rendering any penalty disproportionate to the alleged offence.
How long does my conviction last?
Answers to important questions such as what is a criminal record, who can access your criminal record, how long a criminal conviction can last and what ‘no conviction recorded’ really means.
Can I apply for a blue Card?
A blue card is required if you want to work or volunteer with Children in Queensland. The regime is administered by Blue Card Services and considers more than a police check. Find out whether you can apply for a Blue Card if you have a criminal conviction.
Disclosure of ‘no conviction recorded‘
Generally the conviction is prohibited from being entered in any records except in in the records of the court before which the offender was convicted and the persons criminal history. This general prohibition can be over-ridden if expressly provided for in either the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 or some other act.