31 Oct

NSW to Target Repeat and High Range Drink Driving with Interlock

interlock devicesHigh Range Drink Driving

Repeat and those caught high range drink driving will have to install an alcohol interlock device under legislation to be introduced into NSW parliament early next year.

While there is a voluntary scheme currently in place, it is believed this mandatory system will prevent at least 140 alcohol related crashes.

Alcohol Interlock

An alcohol interlock will be installed in a person’s car if they have been caught drink driving twice in five years, or once with a blood-alcohol level above 0.15 (high range drink driving).

Magistrates will also have the power to make motorists keep the interlock in place for longer than the mandatory minimum term of 12 months.

Interlocks are connected to a vehicle’s ignition and prevent the car from starting if the driver has been drinking.

The proposed laws appear to mirror those currently operating in Queensland. Queensland drink drivers have discovered that there is  considerable expense in having the interlock device fitted to the vehicle and maintained during the operational period.  They have also found that Queensland Transport monitors the calibration level of the device closely.

Queensland Interlock Scheme

In Queensland there is provision to opt out of the scheme, however an additional disqualification period of two (2) years applies.  It is not known whether similar provisions will apply.

For advice on the implementation of the new laws you should contact an experienced traffic lawyer.


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