The Queensland Government has announced an inquiry into criminal statistics across the state. The Inquiry, to be conducted by the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee, is set to hear evidence across Queensland with the report to be completed by 31 October 2014.
The Inquiry will examine:
- the trends and type of criminal activity in Queensland, having regard to available crime statistics and issues of unreported crime
- the social and economic contributors to crime
- the impacts of this criminal activity on the community and individuals, including the social and economic impacts
- the effectiveness (including the cost effectiveness) of crime prevention strategies, including imprisonment, justice reinvestment, early intervention, alternative dispute resolution, and other models used in national and international jurisdictions
- the experiences of Queenslanders with regard to the criminal justice system, including the experiences of victims of sexual violence and/or domestic violence including their interactions with the Queensland Police Service, the courts, prosecuting authorities, legal and support services and compensation processes
- possible strategies to increase collaboration and co-operation between various participants in the criminal justice system
Further, the Committee is to recommend measures to curb criminal activity, reduce rates of recidivism, and build a safer community.
In undertaking the inquiry the Committee is to:
- hold public and private hearings across Queensland
- ensure such hearings include an examination of available crime statistics for the relevant area or region
- take public and private submissions
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