Sports betting and corruption
New laws targeting sports betting and corruption are set to be introduced into Queensland Parliament. The laws are expected to mirror those of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory, in legislating specific offences relating to the integrity of sporting contests.
Maximum Penalties for Corrupt Sports Betting
The government has announced that it is set to introduce five new offences. The new laws and the proposed maximum penalties are:
- Engaging in conduct that corrupts a betting outcome (10 years imprisonment)
- Facilitating conduct that corrupts a betting outcome (10 years imprisonment)
- Concealing conduct that corrupts a betting outcome (10 years imprisonment)
- Using corrupt conduct information about an event for betting purposes (10 years imprisonment)
- Using inside information for betting purposes (2 years imprisonment).

Interstate history
The legislation was recently seen used in Victoria where a 22 year old UK man was charged with “courtsiding” at the Australian Open, with police alleging he placed bets on point outcomes during a match. Like the Queensland legislation the man was facing up to 10 years in jail.
Under the laws introduced last year by the Victorian government it is an offence for anyone to “engage in or facilitate any conduct that corrupts or would corrupt a betting outcome of a sport or racing event resulting in financial advantage”. Despite much publicity surrounding the arrest the prosecution withdrew its charge in the Melbourne Magistrates Court at the first mention of the matter.
While we are yet to see a conviction with this type of legislation there is material to suggest that sporting bodies are actively seeking to investigate sports betting and corrupt practices.
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