01 Aug

M1 Traffic Restrictions

Truck drivers need to be aware that from, 1 August 2017, all trucks with a Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) over 4.5t will be restricted to travelling in the left 2 lanes in both directions between Springwood and Robina.  Penalties including fines and loss of demerit points will apply.

The restrictions are from the M1 motorway between exit 20 at Springwood and exit 82 Southbound and exit 79 northbound at Robina.  The rationale is that the measures will improve the traffic flow for the more than 152,000 vehicles using the M1 each day, particularly during the Commonwealth Games in 2018.

The Department of Transport will provide a report on the effectiveness of the measures following the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games on April 4 2018.  Queensland Trucking Association CEO, Gary Mahon is reported as saying that the measures are likely to continue beyond the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games Owner Driver News.

Affected Trucks

A truck is defined as a vehicle that weighs more than 4.5t but does not include a bus.

The 4.5t relates only to the GVM and excludes any trailer attached to the vehicle.

For more detail see Qld Transport Restrictions


Individual – Fine of $126.00 and 3 demerit points

Businesses – Fine of $630.00

Additional measures

  1. Use of the hard shoulder for vehicles carrying athletes and officials under police escort;
  2. Reduce speed limit from Eight Mile Plains to Logan Motorway interchange from 100km/h to 90km/h
  3. Reduce from Logan Motorway interchange to Smith Street exit from 110km/h to 100km/h
  4. Additional resources for breakdowns
  5. Temporary Ramp Management.


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